RoboCup & RoboCupJunior

RoboCup is an annual international robotics competition founded in 1996 by a group of university professors. The aim of the competition is to promote robotics and AI research by offering a publicly appealing – but formidable – challenge.

Official Website:

Project-oriented educational robotics for students up through age 19, with a focus on providing a hands-on, scaffolded environment where learners can grow by expanding their knowledge of, sparking their curiosity about and increasing their comfort with technology. Three challenges: soccer, rescue, onstage (former dance) each emphasizing cooperative problem-solving; each designed to reach creative young minds with a range of interests, and skills.


Age: 14-19
Team size: minimum 2, The maximum team size is 4 for RoboCupJunior Soccer and Rescue leagues, and 5 for OnStage leagues.
Every team member needs to carry out a technical role for the team (robot design and construction, sensors and actuators, programming, etc.), this should be identified at the registration. Each member is expected to explain his/her technical role and should be able to answer any questions at the technical judging.


Usually June/Juley

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