FIRST LEGO League Challenge

The team will:

  • Core Values: Use and apply the FIRST Core Values and engineering design process to develop robot and Innovation Project solutions.
  • Innovation Project: Identify and research a problem related to the season theme and then design and create an Innovation Project solution.
  • Identify a mission strategy and design, create, and code a robot to complete missions.
  • Test, iterate, and improve their Robot Design and Innovation Project.
  • Communicate their Robot Design and Innovation Project
  • Robot Game: demonstrate their robot and complete the taskes.

Innovation Project

Within the seasonal topic, you will conduct research on a problem of your own choosing. Like real scientists, you develop a research question, do research and consult experts to find a solution to the problem and share it with others.

Here are the steps to prepare:

  1. Learn about the topic: Try to learn as much as possible about the topic in general before you commit to a specific topic. Use different sources such as the internet, books, newspapers, interviews with experts, etc.
    Use the time before the kick-off (mission publication) to research the topic of the year before you get detailed information about the research project.
  2. Find a research question: Make a list of different topics that interest you. Select a topic from this list. Think together about a problem related to the topic. Use it to formulate your research question. Now find out as much as possible about that particular topic.
  3. Work out an innovative solution: Work out an innovative solution to the problem you have chosen – a solution that makes life easier by improving something that already exists, by using something that exists differently, or by inventing something completely new.
  4. Share your results with others: Once you have a plan for your solution, share it with others! For example, introduce your research and your solution to people who will benefit from it. Or you can present it to the experts who helped you. Think about who else might be interested in your solution. Consider someone who can give you good feedback. Accepting good suggestions and making improvements is part of the development process. Don’t be afraid to present your ideas – if it gives you helpful feedback.
    Find a creative way to present your research project and solution. Your presentation can be supported by different formats: Posters, pictures, models, multimedia, your research material etc. Be creative, but don’t forget to include all important information in the presentation.

Robotic Design & Robotic Game

Identify mission strategy:

Design and create robots and programs

Test and iterate solution to complete all missions


On Tournament Day

You will present your Innovation Project, Robot Design and Core Values in one combined judging session to the jury. This session takes 35 minutes and takes place in a room.

Your presentation must not be longer than 5 minutes! It should be short, to the point and memorable. In order to treat all teams fairly, jurors will stop presentations that are longer than 5 minutes.

You have various options for the presentation, e.g. formal lectures, role-plays, parodies and much more. The jury members make sure that more than just one member of the team has done research work.

It is important that your presentation includes and reflects all parts of the assignment (find a research question, come up with an innovative solution and share your findings with others).

Present Robot Design solution at judging: Prepare a short explanation that clearly explains the process your team used to create your robot and programs and how they work. Make sure your whole team is involved.

Please note: The judges can only judge what they hear!

After the presentation, the judges will ask you a few more questions about your research.

At most regional tournaments, three to five teams present their project again publicly on stage in the afternoon. The jury selects special presentations. Note that these do not necessarily have to be the best presentations. It is also about showing a range of different presentations (in terms of research, presentation, content, or perhaps the age or experience level of the teams). This way, the teams and the audience have the opportunity to see special research projects and possibly learn something from them for the next year.

Robot Game


Compete in Robot Game matches: Your robot starts in the launch area, tries missions in the order chosen by the team, and then returns anywhere into Home. Your team can modify your robot when it is in Home before launching it again. Your team will play multiple matches, but only the highest score matters.


Awards & Allocation

The award for the category Research will go to the team, which through high-quality research, an innovative solution and a creative presentation, demonstrates the deepest understanding of the various disciplines and aspects associated with the research assignment.

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