Books For Success

List of books, audiobooks, and videos

Motivation and action

  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill: the power of mindset and positive thinking to achieve wealth and success
  • Jim Rohn speeches
  • The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear: how small consistent changes can lead to remarkable results; and how to build positive habits for success;
  • Hyper Focus by Chris Bailey:
    how to laser focus your attention and eliminate distractions to maximize and achieve more in less time
    ToC: Chapter 0 WHy Focus Matters; Chapter 0.5 How to Better Focus on this Book; Part One – Hyperfocus; Chapter 1 Switching Off Autopilot Mode; Chapter 2 The Limits of Your Attention; Chapter 3 The Power of Hyperfocus; Chapter 4: Taming Distractions; Chapter 5 Making Hyperfocus a Habit; Part Two – Scatterfocus; Chapter 6 Your Brain’s Hidden Creative Mode; Chapter 7 Recharging Your Attention; Chapter 8 Connecting Dots; Chapter 9 Collecting Dots; Chapter 10 Working Together
  • Deep Work by Cal Newport: rules for focused success in a distracted world
  • Getting Things Done by David Allen: the art of stree-free productivity. Presents a thorough practical system to boost your productivity.
  • Drive by Dan Pink: the surprise truth about what motivates us
  • Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell: explore where success people come from, who their parents are, what opportunities they are afforded.
  • The Click moment by Frans Johansson: seizing opportunity in an unpredictable world
  • 48 Laws of Power: The dynamics of power and human nature, and how to appear powerful
  • Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely: hidden forces that shape our decisions.


  • The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel – Thinking Behind Money and Investing
  • The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need by Andrew Tobias – Investing How-To Book
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad & Rich Dad’s Guide To Investing by Robert Kiyosaki
  • The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley – step-by-step guide on investing
  • Principles, by Raymond Dalio – offers insights into how we choose to live our lives, also tips to invest smartly
  • The Simple Path to Wealth by Jim L. Collins – a guide to achieving financial freedom. offers a simple step-by-step guide to investing enough to be financially free.
  • The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham – value investing
  • The little book of Common Sense Investing by John Bogle – a short read. valuable tips and insights related to investing.
  • The Most Important Thing by Howard Marks: uncommon sense for the thoughtful investor


  • The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco
  • 100 Million Offers: The steps and strategies for building high growth business from scratch
  • Lean Startup by Eric Ries: how today’s entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful business. Build a Minimum Viable Product. The reaction from the market provides valuable data and tells what the next move should be.
  • In Search of Excellence by Thomas J. Peters: describes eight basic principles of management – action-stimulating, people-oriented, profit-maximizing practices that made these organizations successful
  • Breakthroughs! by Ketteringham, John M., Nayak, P. Ranganath: Tracing 13 commercial breakthroughs, from concept to realization, that have created new industries and markets affecting millions of lives
  • Start With Why by Simom Sinek: most messaging starts with features (what), then the processes (how) and last why. But it is wrong, and should be in the exact opposite direction.


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