Preparing For Bright Future

We are the innovator and leading provider of after school classes for K-12 students who are interested in learning Robotics & Programming.

Our mission is to inspire and empower the next generation of creators, problem solvers, and leaders by offering them high-quality and engaging learning experiences.

We are a team of passionate and experienced educators, engineers, and innovators who believe that robotics and coding are not only fun and exciting, but also essential skills for the future.

Our programs are designed to give students the knowledge, skills, and confidence to thrive in a digital world.

Our magic happens in the classroom where our exceptional teachers use a project-based and student-centered approach that fosters creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. We also use a variety of tools and platforms to cater to different levels and interests of our students..

We believe in the importance of hands-on learning, providing access to state-of-the-art equipment and software. Our interactive sessions not only teach technical skills but also promote teamwork, communication, and perseverance – essential traits for success in today’s rapidly evolving world.

Each of our classes is tailored to engage elementary, middle, and high-school students with a specific themed curriculum that is comprehensive, developmental, challenging, and yes, fun! 


Our Teaching Philosophy and Methods

🎓 Learning Pyramid

  1. Learn through play to inspire interest; Foster learning habits;
  2. Increase knowledge and improve skills;
  3. Practice the knowledge and skills learned. Participate in competition and excel;

🎓 Our Class is more than Robotics:

  • Enhancing STEAM skills
  • Improving presentation and public speaking skills
  • Fostering correct learning habits

We work with other education providers to deliver the most fun and effective classes for kids.

Latest Blogs

How To Increase Children’s Creativity CN

你知道吗,创造力是一种能够想出新颖和有用的想法的能力,它对儿童的学习和发展非常重要。在这个视频中,我将给你分享一些如何培养儿童创造力的方法。 第一,给儿童提供丰富和多样的材料和玩具,让他们自由地探索和发挥。比如,你可以给他们一些纸张、彩色笔、剪刀、胶水等,让他们画画、剪纸、拼贴等。你也可以给他们一些积木、乐高、拼图等,让他们搭建、拼接、解谜等。这些活动可以激发儿童的想象力和创造力,让他们发现和创造新的可能性。 第二,给儿童提供开放和支持的环境和氛围,让他们自信地表达和实现自己的想法。比如,你可以鼓励儿童说出或写下自己的想法,不要担心对错或失败。你也可以赞扬儿童的创造力,不要批评或否定他们的想法。你还可以和儿童一起讨论和改进他们的想法,不要强加自己的想法或标准。这些做法可以增强儿童的创造力的自我效能感,让他们更敢于创新和尝试。 第三,给儿童提供有趣和有挑战的任务和问题,让他们动脑筋和动手解决。比如,你可以给他们一些有趣的故事或情景,让他们想象和编续。你也可以给他们一些有挑战的游戏或谜题,让他们思考和解决。你还可以给他们一些有创意的项目或活动,让他们设计和制作。这些任务和问题可以锻炼儿童的创造力的思维和技能,让他们更善于发现和解决问题。 这些就是我为你准备的一些培养儿童创造力的方法,希望你能喜欢并尝试。记住,创造力是一种可以培养和提高的能力,而不是一种天生的天赋。只要你给儿童足够的机会和支持,他们就可以成为有创造力的小天才。

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LEGO Building Ideas

Looking for fun and creative LEGO build ideas to keep your kids engaged? You’re in the right place! As parents, we understand the joy and educational benefits that LEGO brings

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