
LEGO Mechanical Engineering (4-6 / 7-8) – Team of 4

LEGO Robotics (4-6 / 7-8) – Team of 4

VEX Robotics (4-6 / 7-8) – Team of 4


Robotics (S) – Team of 4

Vex V5 Robotics (S) – Team of 4


Official website: https://www.skillsontario.com/skills-ontario-competition

Registration: contacts can request spaces for the competition in early December, with a limit of 2 elementary/secondary and 3 post-secondary spaces per contest for each institution.

Contest Scopes: posted before the end of January. May change until 2 weeks prior to the competition.

Cancellation deadline: Late-February/early March

Registration fee: $135 for Elementary, $250 for Secondary

Competition Time: May 6-7, 2024

Location: Toroto Congress Centre


Winners are awarded with Gold, Silver or Bronze medals – and some with monetary awards, too. Elementary contest only up to provincial level. Secondary/post-secondary contests can advance to the Skills Canada National Competition, and then WorldSkills Competition.

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